Envelhecida em barril de carvalho por uma semana, elaborada sem adjuntos e conservantes. Liquorosa, bem equilibrada. Amadeirada, adocicada, com aroma de malte tostado, toffee, ameixa, rum e um final chocolate. Bière de Garde, envelhece na garrafa.Consumir a 10ºC
Homenageia os 40 anos da morte de Thomas Hardy e traz um trecho de seu livro The Trumpet Major (1880). Cor cobre brilhante com pouca espuma. Aroma frutado de cereja. Licorosa, lupulada, com notas frutadas e de caramelo. Envelhece por 25 anos. Safrada e numerada.Consumir a 13ºC
Cerveja de cor âmbar, malte aromático, equilibrado pela levedura belga. Cremosa, tem sua segunda fermentação na própria garrafa.Consumir entre 8º e 10ºC
Considerada uma das melhores cervejas do mundo. Coloração acobreada, espuma fina, porém, firme. Perfume de cacau torrado e de figo. Encorpada. Sabor inicialmente picante, com final de chocolate.Consumir entre 12º e 14ºC
De coloração acobreada escura, é licorosa e caramelada. Ligeiramente picante, tem notas frutadas de passas, cacau, banana e malte. Possui alto teor alcoólico, mas é suave na boca e fácil de beber. Consumir entre 12º e 14ºC
Malte tostado e aroma de caramelo, com notas apimentadas e de frutas secas. Cerveja suave com forte caráter. Tonalidade amarronzada. Consumir a 8º C
Produzida sob a supervisão dos monges trapistas. Suave, ricamente maltada, com sabores de pimenta, canela e gengibre.Consumir entre 6º e 12ºC
Forte e encorpada. Aroma de levedo, com toque floral. Perfeita com cordeiro, queijos faixa azul ou um bom charuto. Coloração acobreada e espuma cremosa, sugerindo sutil aroma de pêssego. Sua segunda fermentação é feita na garrafa.Consumir entre 10º e 12ºC
Sabor de porto e sândalo. Levemente apimentada, com noz moscada. No final, leve tostado e amargor. Boa companheira para um charuto ou para um queijo Roquefort.
Consumir entre 10º e 12ºC
Rede sobre Marketing Olfativo e Identidade Olfativa. Reúne informação e busca ampliar a discussão sobre o tema. Olfactory Marketing Network and olfactory identity. Gathers information and seeks to expand the discussion on the topic.
segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2009
malte aromático,
segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2009
Aroma Marketing
Getting beyond the coffee, bread and chocolate paradigms.
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The Sweet Smell of Scent Marketing
Ask anybody to describe something “smelly” and you will find that there are many names for it: Stink, stench, smell, odor, scent, fragrance or (very scientific) olfactive experience. The use of any of those descriptors mainly depends on that person’s liking or disliking of anything scented.
What is the relevance to a branding blog, you may ask? Well, some marketers believe that adding a scent to a brand’s image creates a deeper connection with the consumer. It’s called “Scent Marketing”. It is a fact that our olfactory receptors directly connect to the limbic system, the portion of the brain responsible for emotions and decision-making. Sounds like a marketer’s goldmine to me…
Let’s go back to the time when a caveman would roast a piece of meat and attract others with the smell. Truth be told, most would have fought with him over his meal but some would have traded other stuff or favors just for having a bite – and you have early Scent Marketing. Fast forward to the streets of Louis XV’s Paris, filled with a stench that needed to be covered up to make the environment (including it’s inhabitants) tolerable. On a big holiday most major religions roll out their multi-sensory arsenal: the ornate garments and decorated places of worship (sight), the powerful organ (sound), the blessings (touch), various offerings of food or wine (taste) and burning incense (smell). In today’s environment basically everything and everybody smells. It is just a matter of how you use and control it to meet the idea of “pleasant” and “appropriate” du jour.
Advertisers and marketers are facing another problem: 80% of all brand communication is audio or visual. For most brands and products, taste and touch do not even apply. That leaves scent, the only sense we cannot block out permanently. The average adult breathes 18,000- 30,000 times a day - no threat here from TiVo or the iPod. How’s that for “number of impressions”?
Scent Marketing has leaders and followers: Singapore Airlines introduced a branded scent over 15 years ago along with a slew of other branding initiatives, making it the poster child of multi-sensory marketing. If not battered by problems such as high kerosene prices other airlines would have followed suit by now. SONYstyle infused scent in their stores and showrooms, Samsung followed just recently. Starwood Hotel’s Westin brand started a scenting frenzy in the hospitality industry. Their advantage is that they own or control the space where they release their fragrance. Coca-Cola has been playing with prototypes of scented Point-of-Sale installations for over 10 years, only they need the cooperation of the stores they are in.
So why don’t we see more “Scent Marketing” efforts? For one, because it’s ROI is so difficult to define. Detailed numbers and success stories are hard to come by or highly anecdotal or just not publicly shared. Also, nobody wants to be accused of “stinking up the place” and of a lack of compassion towards those with chemical hypersensitivities, medical conditions or other scent-induced problems.
The solution is – again - “control”. Of the appropriateness, the intensity of a scent and if a customer wants to be exposed to the experience or not. Once these basic rules are observed you are in good shape and you can scent have go to work for you: In consumer testing, scented products have routinely been considered of higher value (the sneaker offered in scented versus an unscented store) and better quality (scented versus unscented toilet paper). Scent impacts the perception of time passing (gamblers linger longer at the slot machines) and space, which does not turn a smallish hotel room into a suite but at least makes it feel like it’s worth the money.
In my next post on this topic I will focus on designing the right scent for your brand and on how to convince a manufacturer to actually make it for you.
Contributed by Harald Vogt for Branding Strategy Insider
What is the relevance to a branding blog, you may ask? Well, some marketers believe that adding a scent to a brand’s image creates a deeper connection with the consumer. It’s called “Scent Marketing”. It is a fact that our olfactory receptors directly connect to the limbic system, the portion of the brain responsible for emotions and decision-making. Sounds like a marketer’s goldmine to me…
Let’s go back to the time when a caveman would roast a piece of meat and attract others with the smell. Truth be told, most would have fought with him over his meal but some would have traded other stuff or favors just for having a bite – and you have early Scent Marketing. Fast forward to the streets of Louis XV’s Paris, filled with a stench that needed to be covered up to make the environment (including it’s inhabitants) tolerable. On a big holiday most major religions roll out their multi-sensory arsenal: the ornate garments and decorated places of worship (sight), the powerful organ (sound), the blessings (touch), various offerings of food or wine (taste) and burning incense (smell). In today’s environment basically everything and everybody smells. It is just a matter of how you use and control it to meet the idea of “pleasant” and “appropriate” du jour.
Advertisers and marketers are facing another problem: 80% of all brand communication is audio or visual. For most brands and products, taste and touch do not even apply. That leaves scent, the only sense we cannot block out permanently. The average adult breathes 18,000- 30,000 times a day - no threat here from TiVo or the iPod. How’s that for “number of impressions”?
Scent Marketing has leaders and followers: Singapore Airlines introduced a branded scent over 15 years ago along with a slew of other branding initiatives, making it the poster child of multi-sensory marketing. If not battered by problems such as high kerosene prices other airlines would have followed suit by now. SONYstyle infused scent in their stores and showrooms, Samsung followed just recently. Starwood Hotel’s Westin brand started a scenting frenzy in the hospitality industry. Their advantage is that they own or control the space where they release their fragrance. Coca-Cola has been playing with prototypes of scented Point-of-Sale installations for over 10 years, only they need the cooperation of the stores they are in.
So why don’t we see more “Scent Marketing” efforts? For one, because it’s ROI is so difficult to define. Detailed numbers and success stories are hard to come by or highly anecdotal or just not publicly shared. Also, nobody wants to be accused of “stinking up the place” and of a lack of compassion towards those with chemical hypersensitivities, medical conditions or other scent-induced problems.
The solution is – again - “control”. Of the appropriateness, the intensity of a scent and if a customer wants to be exposed to the experience or not. Once these basic rules are observed you are in good shape and you can scent have go to work for you: In consumer testing, scented products have routinely been considered of higher value (the sneaker offered in scented versus an unscented store) and better quality (scented versus unscented toilet paper). Scent impacts the perception of time passing (gamblers linger longer at the slot machines) and space, which does not turn a smallish hotel room into a suite but at least makes it feel like it’s worth the money.
In my next post on this topic I will focus on designing the right scent for your brand and on how to convince a manufacturer to actually make it for you.
Contributed by Harald Vogt for Branding Strategy Insider
Scent Marketing,
Sensory Branding,
Singapore Airlines,
Starwood Hotel,
Aroma Essencial: Does Your Marketing Smell?

Estamos fazendo um trabalho de coleta de informação que tem refletido e gerado resultados. Agradecemos a todos que nos incentivam.
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olfative branding,
olfatory marketing,
domingo, 21 de junho de 2009
Brazil embraces scent branding

Brand Channel has posted an interesting piece about Brazil’s use of scent branding, otherwise known as “olfactive” branding. Apparently numerous Brazilian businesses, including spas, gyms, medical facilities, hotels, pharmacies, banks, restaurants and supermarkets, as well as product brands are using “olfactive logos,” or signature scents for brand recall. Olfactive logos are being used in advertising campaigns, including scent-producing ads in movie theatres. According to the article, Brazil is a natural candidate for the use of scent branding because of its culture of human sensuality.
Branding by the Nose in Brazil
by Ana Paula Palombo Terzi
Besides sight and hearing, taste and touch can add extra, valuable dimensions to the brand experience. Despite the obvious and strong influence these four aforementioned senses inherently possess, they—either individually or together—may not fully capitalize on the opportunities presented by a variety of businesses and branding challenges. Branding experts, in these cases, have learned to tap into the powerful emotions triggered by the sense of smell.
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but the faintest scent can evoke numerous, even conflicting, memories and emotions. No other sense can revive experiences and recollections so vividly as the sense of smell. Words, objects, pictures, scenes, images and songs are not as powerful and dynamic when it comes to recalling cues—even ones buried deep in the human mind—as scents and smells.
“When a scent triggers recall, you are caught in a wave of emotion and evocation like no other,” says Rachel Herz, an expert on the psychology of smell and author of the book The Scent of Desire.
Smell is a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week sense. It is turned on all of the time, both when people are awake and sleeping. But does this olfactory fact present actual, viable and achievable branding opportunities and new areas for the branding industry to explore and benefit from? Absolutely.
According to the Sense of Smell Institute in New York, the average human being is able to recognize approximately 10,000 different odors. People can recall smells with 65 percent accuracy after a year, while the visual recall of photos decreases to about 50 percent after only three months.
Scent branding, of course, isn’t a new revolution in the branding industry, but it is an important and growing marketing segment, particularly in Brazil—a nation and culture known for its sensuality. Scent branding highlights smell as an emotional cue that induces positive behavior, accentuates brand attributes and generates recall—that subconscious action sought by every ambitious brand strategy.
“Big global brands set the trend which spurred scent marketing in Brazil. Brazilian brands, big and small, are now creating their olfactive logo, a scent signature which helps generate brand recall,” explains Elaine De Oliveira, olfactive marketing consultant for Biomist, one of the pioneers of scent marketing in São Paulo, Brazil.
Marcelo Ginzberg from Air Berger, a French consulting firm that established an office in Brazil in June 2008, says, “A wide variety of businesses have been adopting olfactive logos—hotels, spas, medical facilities, pharmacies, gyms, restaurants, banks and supermarkets have capitalized on scent marketing to attract consumers.”
“Our culture is highly sensorial in many aspects,” says Janice Zanatta, olfactive marketing consultant for Good Smell Consultoria in Curitiba, Brazil. “Its colors, rhythms, textures and forms require a great spectrum of scents to express and communicate all this diversity.” Zanatta believes the growing interest in scent marketing in Brazil is a direct reflection of the country’s diverse and complex culture. She cites as an example Les Lis Blanc, a Brazilian fashion brand, with credit for linking its olfactive logo to its consumers’ positive experiences with the brand.
Brazilian baked goods brand Bauducco also strategized with olfactive marketing to appeal to a younger demographic in Brazil. A chocolate fragrance was diffused into movie theaters at the same time they ran a preview commercial for its signature product, the panettone. The campaign was a success.
Part evidence, part theory and part science, scent marketing demonstrates that the category can be an important component for brand communication and can positively and dramatically impact sales, even though it is still hard to measure a direct correlation with return on investment.
Experts in olfactive marketing agree that the right scent in congruence with a solid marketing mix helps define a brand’s personality, adds clarity, differentiation and value, and has the power to raise awareness and brand recall. Congruency would be, for instance, linking low-arousal lavender scents with relaxing tunes or high-arousal grapefruit scents with energizing tunes, depending on the brand context. It is an artistic pairing of experiences that requires an almost chef-like expertise as well as branding and marketing acumen.
brasilian bussinesses,
mkt olfativo,
olfative branding,
olfative logos,
Marketing Olfativo: Cheiro de bons negócios no ar.
Olfatory Marketing: Smell of good business in the air.
marketing olfativo,
saúde e bem estar
Citroen adds a sense of smell to the new C4 - 2ª
In total there are nine different fragrances available for the new Citroen C4, split into three groups: Vitality: mint and musk; jasmine and mimosa; citrus and passion. Travel: vanilla; cinnamon and ginger; amber and sandalwood. Well-being: lotus flower; soft lavender; ylang and bamboo.
But it was not just Citroen that had to develop new systems and processes for its entry into the perfume and fragrance market. Its dealers are also being trained!
Each new Citroen C4 is delivered with a kit of three refills, one from each group, which is enough to last for around six months of normal use. At the six-month anniversary of the purchase of the Citroen C4, owners will be invited via a letter scented with a fragrance, Cinnamon and Ginger, not issued with the C4, to return to their Citroen dealer for refills.
Here they will find a special display counter holding 108 scent cartridges, brochures and scratch and sniff tabs that will allow C4 owners to take samples home before buying refills.
"Citroen's decision to launch the perfume diffuser with the C4 was a strategic decision that we knew would provide customer benefits and being customers to our dealerships," says Oliver Lehmann. "Now that the C4 is on sale it is clear that this innovative programme is, indeed, introducing new customers to Citroen as well as bringing them to our dealers' parts departments. The programme clearly has the sweet smell of success!"
The new Citroen C4 is an advanced automobile in many ways other than the olfactory system, and will introduce several major innovations in addition to its advanced aerodynamics. Both the Coupé and Hatchback have outstanding aerodynamics, with a drag coefficient of just 0.28 that will help keep fuel consumption and emissions right down.
Among the numerous innovations that the new C4 will bring to the class is a multi-functional fixed centred controls steering wheel, which offers easy access to the centrally-mounted controls. In addition, its unique design will enhance safety by allowing the housing of a specially designed airbag that offers greater protection to the driver.
The new Citroen C4 will also boast other advanced safety features, such as an involuntary lane-departure warning system, designed to help prevent drivers from losing concentration or falling asleep at the wheel, as well as moving, dual-function directional Xenon headlamps, which provide improved lighting when cornering.
Other equipment normally reserved for more expensive cars includes a speed limiter and tyre pressure warning system. On top of this, the new C4 is also set to be the only car in the class to offer laminated glass side windows, which will not only provide maximum protection against break-ins, but also enhance the acoustic comfort inside the cabin.
Drivers will further benefit from the unique, translucent instrument cluster that is able to adjust to ambient light, giving a clear read-out no matter what the light conditions.
Powering the new C4 will be a wide range of the Company's very latest petrol and HDi common rail diesel engines, most of which will meet Euro IV emission standards, offering a broad range of performance - from 90hp to 180hp for petrol and 92hp to 138hp for diesel.
But it was not just Citroen that had to develop new systems and processes for its entry into the perfume and fragrance market. Its dealers are also being trained!
Each new Citroen C4 is delivered with a kit of three refills, one from each group, which is enough to last for around six months of normal use. At the six-month anniversary of the purchase of the Citroen C4, owners will be invited via a letter scented with a fragrance, Cinnamon and Ginger, not issued with the C4, to return to their Citroen dealer for refills.
Here they will find a special display counter holding 108 scent cartridges, brochures and scratch and sniff tabs that will allow C4 owners to take samples home before buying refills.
"Citroen's decision to launch the perfume diffuser with the C4 was a strategic decision that we knew would provide customer benefits and being customers to our dealerships," says Oliver Lehmann. "Now that the C4 is on sale it is clear that this innovative programme is, indeed, introducing new customers to Citroen as well as bringing them to our dealers' parts departments. The programme clearly has the sweet smell of success!"
The new Citroen C4 is an advanced automobile in many ways other than the olfactory system, and will introduce several major innovations in addition to its advanced aerodynamics. Both the Coupé and Hatchback have outstanding aerodynamics, with a drag coefficient of just 0.28 that will help keep fuel consumption and emissions right down.
Among the numerous innovations that the new C4 will bring to the class is a multi-functional fixed centred controls steering wheel, which offers easy access to the centrally-mounted controls. In addition, its unique design will enhance safety by allowing the housing of a specially designed airbag that offers greater protection to the driver.
The new Citroen C4 will also boast other advanced safety features, such as an involuntary lane-departure warning system, designed to help prevent drivers from losing concentration or falling asleep at the wheel, as well as moving, dual-function directional Xenon headlamps, which provide improved lighting when cornering.
Other equipment normally reserved for more expensive cars includes a speed limiter and tyre pressure warning system. On top of this, the new C4 is also set to be the only car in the class to offer laminated glass side windows, which will not only provide maximum protection against break-ins, but also enhance the acoustic comfort inside the cabin.
Drivers will further benefit from the unique, translucent instrument cluster that is able to adjust to ambient light, giving a clear read-out no matter what the light conditions.
Powering the new C4 will be a wide range of the Company's very latest petrol and HDi common rail diesel engines, most of which will meet Euro IV emission standards, offering a broad range of performance - from 90hp to 180hp for petrol and 92hp to 138hp for diesel.
fragrance market,
olfatory marketing,
olfatory system,
Citroen adds a sense of smell to the new C4 - 1ª Parte

By Mike Hanlon
Its called Olfactory Marketing and started back in the 1980s when British supermarkets discovered that if they had a bakery in a supermarket, the smell of fresh baking bread helped them sell not just more bread, but more of everything else too. French car maker, Citroen, is now set to follow the bakers with the launch of the Citroen C4, offering as standard a scent-diffuser in the ventilation system and a range of nine different scents. The success of Olfactory Marketing and Citroen's decision to make it a feature of the C4 is based on the fact that smells can have a significant effect on mood and sense of well being and their effect is usually very subtle. As well as providing a very pleasant environment for users of the C4, the perfumes also have ability to inspire an environment that is conducive to safe driving.
Until Citroen's innovation, the smells normally associated with cars were limited to that elusive 'new car smell', the aroma of leather and the blend of smells associated with a well used second hand car!
"The sense of smell has, at best, been ignored and more frequently negated by car makers," says Oliver Lehmann, the marketing project leader for the C4 Perfume diffuser programme. "The usual idea is to prevent any odours coming through the interior and yet sales of car air fresheners are booming. We were determined to address this paradox in the Citroen C4 and to do it with superior quality and a price that made it a creditable alternative to conventional after-market air-fresheners."
Citroen test marketed the idea of perfume diffuser kit with a special edition Citroen C3 in 2003, the C3 Buddha Bar, which offered five difference fragrances based on the theme of Feng Shui. Not only did the demand for this special edition exceed all expectations, it was clear that the main attraction of the C3 Buddha Bar was its perfume pack, which became an aftermarket accessory for the Citroen range.
"It was immediately clear that the perfume diffuser was a product that was out of the ordinary, with strong innovative potential," explains Oliver Lehmann. "Working on a ten month time frame, we had to go where Citroen had never been before, to developed a perfume diffuser and establish our credibility in the design and development of automotive perfumes."
While Citroen designed and developed the distribution process for the perfume, it called in experts to design the smells themselves.
"A product of this type is always complex," says Gregory Magert, Managing Director of Parfum d'image, the company tasked with find the right smells for the Citroen C4. "The composition of each perfume uses between 20 and 50 raw materials and its production requires input from dozens of suppliers around the world."
Citroen contacted Parfum d'image in late 2002, having already designed the diffuser system. Their job was to come back with fragrances that reflected the image of Citroen, which would appeal to customers and which would provide a beneficial driving environment.
"We developed nine fragrances that are in our terms very high specification, but which are also easily and quickly accessible in the driving environment of the Citroen C4," says Mr Magert. "These fragrances represent pleasure and well being. With the fragrances developed, we then worked with Citroen on the practical aspect of ensuring even and quick diffusion within the C4. Finally we worked on the packaging of not just the fragrances that are delivered with the new car, but also the refills available from Citroen dealers."
The olfactory marketing

Marketing is a bizarre science which consists in the study of the process and the motivations that make human beings do something that no other living creature does: buy things, the end aim of all economic activity. In the seventies, Christian Derbaix was the first to counter the long accepted theory of how products were bought: first the client became aware of the product, then convinced about it, and finally decided to buy it. Derbaix argued that the overriding factor in the acquisition of a product was emotion.
This school of thought was developed further in the eighties by Holbrook and Hirshman, who reached the conclusion that the determining factors in the making of choices by individuals are based on our emotional and sentimental states.
Indeed, in recent years, the face of advertising has changed dramatically. Emotional stimuli, both visual and audio now dominate the highest levels of advertising. Television advertisements are more and more like films, to the extent that film directors are hired to make them
Films are the means of visual communication most charged with emotion because they look closest to reality even if they are pure illusion. A film is perceived by two of our senses: sight and hearing. Statistics show that a film of holiday destination shown in a travel agent's will increase sales of tickets for that particular holiday. A photograph of the same destination wouldn't have the same effect.
Music, on the other hand is the most emotive form of aural communication, and in recent years we have seen the development of the use of hit songs of well-known artists for the advertising of consumer products with obviously high costs for the advertiser. These songs have already been listened to and appreciated by the public before companies interested in using them for advertising purposes buy the rights to them. The songs therefore represent in everybody's sub-conscious a moment in their life full of feelings and memories which will come to the surface when they hear it again.
Perfume: For a long time, people who work in both the marketing and the production of perfumes have researched how to use the unique power that fragrances have of bringing out emotions in people by acting on the centre that governs them, the limbic system. This research is then to be used in order to influence the purchasing habits of consumers.
Indeed, the sense of smell is the first and most primordial sense of all living organisms, their last hope of telling bad from good. A red apple may look beautiful on the outside, but if, when it reaches the nose before being bitten, it proves to be off, it will be thrown away. Also, a blind rat is able to find food using its sense of smell. However, if it looses it, it will surely die of starvation being unable to identify food solely by eye sight.
In the human mind, a pleasant smell is associated with all things good, be they physical, mental or moral. In Arabic, the word 'Tayyib' is used to mean both good and pleasant smelling. "How are you?" "Tayyib Al hamdullilah" Fine, thanks be to God, praise be to God to whom all things good belong (tayyibat perfumed).These are common phrases in the Arab world.
Despite the great difficulties encountered in the carrying out experiments on people using smells (due to the very nature of the sense of smell and the problems of making experiments repeatable and reliable), many people remain interested in the possible applications of the psychology of smells in the field of marketing.
The capital trademark and the fragrance logo
The trademark of a company, symbolised by its logo, is a concentration of information that allows the product to be identified among other similar products often of similar quality. A trademark is a capital for a company because it eases communication between the company and the consumer. It gives the consumer faith in his choice, social status and personal satisfaction when using the product. The existence of a trademark allows the company to optimise its marketing budget, increase profit margins, put pressure on the distribution network, and gives it an advantage over it's competitors. The creation of a 'capital trademark' takes time and calls for serious investment but is more than justified by the advantages that it generates. A logo is the physical aspect of a brand name and expresses the values of the company and its image.
The Fragrance Logo
Smell has an important role to play in the evaluation of brand. First of all, it is something new and therefore helps the brand to stand out from the crowd, giving it something that the others haven't got. In the past some companies created their own smell logo without even realizing it. The study of these cases bring to light important data with regard to the effectiveness of fragrance marketing. In fact, subjects studied during the research associated the smell of vanilla with the trademark "Borotalco", not simply baby's talcum powder. French subjects associated the smell of cedar wood with the brand name "Crayola", manufacturers of pencils. These examples help to show how a smell common to a number of similar products automatically becomes the fragrance logo of the largest-selling brand in the public's mind.
Our memory for smells works in such a way that our first memories of smells that go back to our childhood are the most powerful in their ability to recreate pleasant feelings as well as being the easiest to trigger off. Our memory for smells never disappears and the ease with which we associate smells to certain situations depends on the importance of the situation in which the smell was perceived during the learning process.
These observations are the basis for some of the rules of fragrance marketing.
The use of a fragrance logo
A smell logo can be employed using materials (paper/card, cloth, leather) or diffused in the desired environment.
In this instance, the logo has the advantage of being able to occupy the entire area in which it is diffused. Something traditional forms of advertising cannot do. Diffusing the scent during events in which the company is involved, trade fairs for example, or events sponsored by the company such as sports meetings or concerts (events charged with emotion), it is possible to create a favourable impression of the product on the spectators and at the same time to associate the smell in their memory with the emotion of the event. This emotional memory will then be triggered of when they come into contact with the product or go into shops selling it.
Because people generally go to see the kinds of films that they like, the same idea can be applied indiscriminately in cinemas. In this case, the fragrance logo needs to be diffused in such a way as to be barely perceptible to avoid being a nuisance, without damaging its magnificent effect. In deed, diffusing a fragrance logo needs to follow the same rules as fragrance scenery.
The creation of a fragrance logo
A fragrance logo needs to be created bearing in mind the target group at which it is aimed. For example, the smell of Borotalco needs to be appealing to mothers of young babies. The sweet smell of vanillin reminds us of home-baked cakes made on Sunday, puddings made for children and it symbolises the gentleness a mother shows towards her child.
The narrower the range of people that make up a target group for a given product, the easier it is to create a fragrance logo for them.
The big concerns that are in possession of a trademark have very diversified interests and their customers come from all walks of life and socio-economic backgrounds. This makes the choice of a fragrance logo somewhat delicate.
Not only must the smell chosen symbolise the values of the company, it must also be practically universally appealing. In order to obtain such a result, it is necessary to establish a protocol which limits the possibility of making mistakes and allows the chosen smell to be tested repeatedly before making it the company's fragrance logo.
The creation of a fragrance logo is not that difficult for a perfume maker. It is rather like the job of a composer who has to write the music for a film. A mere knowledge of smell psychology or aroma therapy is not sufficient; this is a job for an artist and two non-scientific factors come into play: intuition and inspiration.
Fonte: Le marketing olfactif. Ed. LPM Les presses du management, Paris
quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2009
Does Your Marketing Smell?

What does your marketing program smell like? If you have difficulty answering that question, you need to get up to speed on the powerful impact that’s possible by activating your customers’ olfactory nerves. (Web-only marketers won’t have to worry about this yet, but retail marketers and even those who use print media, direct mail, and the like can read on.) We started thinking about this topic while perusing Emotional Branding by Marc Gobe. This book was published in 2001 - before neuromarketing had become a buzzword - but has plenty of insight into brand strategies that tap into the subconscious. When it comes to smells, Gobe thinks every brand should have one. He points out the success of firms who incorporate scent into their branding approach to build a deeper emotional bond with the consumer. Thomas Pink, a London-based shirt seller, scents its stores with “line-dried linen.” Even individual spaces, like sections of a department store or individual displays, may get a scent boost.
Gerald Zaltman, in How Customers Think, notes that, “Olfactory and other sensory cues are hardwired into the brain’s limbic system, the seat of emotion, and stimulate vivid recollections.” Once a scent is embedded in an individual’s brain, even visual cues can cause it to be resurrected and even “experienced,” according to Zaltman: “A TV commercial showing a person savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee can trigger these same olfactory sensations in viewers.” Zaltman sees scents as serving in several ways. The can be “memory markers” that help a person recall familiar brands more than unfamiliar ones. They can also change the way we process information; a lemon aroma, for example, can make us more alert. Zaltman speculates that scents of that type could be helpful when introducing a new product.
The Proust Effect. The relationship between sensory stimulation and memory was immortalized by the French novelist Marcel Proust, who described a memoir-long flood of memories being triggered by the sensation of a madeleine dunked in tea. At another point, a bathroom smell brings back another set of recollections. Martin Lindstrom, author of Brand Sense, is an enthusiastic advocate of incorporating the sense of smell into as many aspects of a firm’s marketing as possible. He notes that a study showed that 80% of men and 90% of women reported having vivid, emotion-triggering memories evoked by odor.
In our book review, we described Rolls Royce’s attempt to duplicate the unique aroma of a 1965 Silver Cloud and how they install this smell on the undersides of the car’s seats. Lindstrom ranked firms for excellence in sensory branding, and the top-ranked firm was Singapore Airlines. This relatively small airline has consistently led customer preference surveys, and Lindstrom thinks that is due in part to their consistent sensory branding efforts. They actually had a custom fragrance developed and use it in areas of customer contact. When customers encounter the slightly exotic fragrance, it should evoke memories of past (good) experiences involving the airline.
Scents can affect perception in other ways, too. Lindstrom describes an experiment in which two pairs of identical Nike shoes were evaluated by consumers, one in a room with a floral scent and one with no scent. Fully 84% of the subjects evaluated the sneakers in the scented room as superior.
Bad Smells. All sensory experiences aren’t positive. Lindstrom recounts the results of a sensory survey of U.S. McDonalds customers that found that a third of them thought that the restaurants smelled like stale oil. 42% of British McDonalds customers thought the same, and both groups indicated that this smell diminished their enjoyment of the food. The survey found that other customers liked the smell, and that it made their mouths water. Nevertheless, in the smell category, Burger King consistently outperformed McDonalds. It’s interesting that while usually bad smells are situational and fleeting - scorched coffee, burned food, a rest room that needs attention - in the case of McDonalds, the consistency of the stale oil smell had reached the point of becoming a brand association.
Olfactory Marketing
There are several ways marketers can use the sense of smell to reach customers. The first, and perhaps most significant, is branding. The keys to olfactory branding are consistency and uniqueness. No doubt one reason for Singapore Airline’s sensory branding success is that they developed a unique scent, and then used it consistently for many years. Regular flyers learned what the airline smelled like; more importantly, they unconsciously associated this scent with the rest of the Singapore Airlines experience - lovely attendants, impeccable service, and so on. A brand’s scent need not come out of a spray can - Barnes & Noble has a fairly consistent scent that included crisp new books and Starbucks coffee brewing.
Olfactory product marketing is a bit more straightforward but is still important. In today’s supermarkets, is there any doubt that more rotisserie chickens are sold because of the enticing aroma of roasting chicken that wafts around that area of the store? In that same environment, though, there may be many other aroma marketing techniques in use, either intentionally or not. The coffee section may have a grinder that lets the coffee bean aroma out as it crushes the beans. The cheese department may place samples out where the can tempt both the palate and the nose. Non-food items can benefit from aromas, too - think linen scents in a bedding store, leather scents in clothing and furniture environments, etc.
In any retail setting, controlling the olfactory environment is important. People will associate smells with the store and products. Do you want to be known for stale oil or something else unpleasant? Don’t forget the Nike shoe study in which a pleasant smell entirely unrelated to the product (floral scents and running shoes seem quite disconnected) dramatically increased consumer preference.
Olfactory Dangers. In scents, a little goes a long way. We’ve probably all had the experience of sitting near an olfactorily-challenged septuagenarian who applied a more shots of perfume than were necessary, and it’s not a pleasant experience. Similarly, a fresh-smelling hotel room is a plus; one that seems to have been doused with gallons of air freshener is not only unpleasant, but it begs the question, “What are they covering up?” Some individuals are quite sensitive to fragrances, and may find strong scents very disturbing. In Got Smell? Ads Target Customer Noses, we reported on the abortive effort to sell milk by placing cookie-scented ads in bus shelters. The ads lasted only a day before city authorities forced their removal. The official reason was the objection of the “environmental illness community.”
Scents should be subtle and appropriate to their environment. The smell of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies would be wonderful in a bakery or coffee shop; in an outdoor bus shelter, the same aroma is rather suspect. Consumers’ brains will process that same information differently. In the bakery, that smell is processed as “real,” while in the bus shelter it’s pegged as “artificial.” Another location-dependent example would be “musty books” - the smell of old paper, dust, and foxed pages would be quite awful for Barnes & Noble or Borders, but might be just the thing to get book collectors and academics salivating at an antiquarian book store.
Think smell. Check out your products and selling environments, both by direct observation and customer queries. Chances are you have one or more “default” smells, even if you are doing nothing - determine if your default smell is something to build on or something to eliminate. Consider a branding strategy that includes aroma - that may not be appropriate for every situation, but think outside the box. Follow through into both the product and customer contact environment - what do these smell like now, and can they be improved in appeal and/or consistency? Finally, never overdo any kind of scent-based marketing - the customer backlash will outweigh any benefits.
Posted by Roger Dooley under Neuromarketing
mkt olfativo,
sábado, 13 de junho de 2009
Varejo calçadista investe em marketing olfativo
Em tempos em que se desenha um novo perfil de consumidor - mais interessado em unir emoção às compras -, o varejo precisa estar atento a diferentes maneiras de conquistar seu público-alvo. Além de uma bela vitrine, uma excelente exposição interna de produtos e um layout caprichado, uma nova ferramenta vem sendo utilizada pelo varejo calçadista: o marketing olfativo. Ao lado da preocupação com o visual, algumas empresas já passam a utilizar a estratégia, que visa criar uma identidade própria no ponto-de-venda a partir de fragrâncias pré-determinadas através de uma avaliação do tipo de negócio. Bastante presente no comércio de outros países, o conceito começa, aos poucos, a ganhar força no Brasil e conquistar o segmento. A rede Bayard Esportes (São Paulo/SP) já utiliza o recurso há três anos e acredita que conseguiu desenvolver uma espécie de assinatura olfativa junto aos seus consumidores. As oito lojas da empresa contam com uma fragrância especial, desenvolvida para fazer com que o cliente associe a prática do esporte à sensação agradável de estar em meio a natureza. Ao entrar na loja, o cliente aspira um aroma levemente amadeirado que lembra o Parque do Ibirapuera, tradicional reduto dos atletas na capital paulista. “Hoje em dia é necessário ir além do produto e do visual. É preciso criar uma identidade própria e esta ferramenta está sendo muito eficiente neste sentido. Afinal, este cheiro é só nosso, de forma que as pessoas passam a lembrar dele”, acredita. O mesmo conceito é utilizado pela Via Uno, presente no Brasil e no exterior com 60 pontos-de-venda. Todas as unidades contam com uma fragrância específica, que é acionada por um mecanismo próprio para aromatizar o ambiente. Segundo o gerente de franquias da marca, Alexandre Pereira, o sistema já é utilizado há um ano e partiu de uma iniciativa da companhia em melhorar o ambiente das lojas. “Tomamos conhecimento desta nova ferramenta de marketing e passamos a procurar uma empresa que pudesse nos oferecer um cheiro agradável. Escolhemos um aroma floral, que é utilizado em todas as filiais no mundo, e estamos bastantes satisfeitos com os resultados”, conta. Estudos realizados no Canadá mostram que uma aromatização com discretos traços de notas doces e cítricas num shopping center local elevou o gasto médio de compras de U$ 55 para U$ 90 na semana do teste de aromatização em comparação ao período anterior. A informação é de Julio Yoon, diretor da Biomist (São Paulo/SP), empresa especializada no assunto. De acordo com ele, o marketing olfativo no varejo faz uso de um conceito multi-sensorial, que estimula os campos visual, auditivo, tátil, degustativo e olfativo, para que o ambiente fique mais atrativo, agradável e persuasivo. “Assim, os clientes permanecem mais tempo dentro das lojas e as chances de se fazer uma compra aumentam”, analisa. Os aromatizadores utilizados pelas empresas são estrategicamente instalados no ambiente, programados para borrifar a fragrância de tempo em tempo e numa quantidade suficiente para o sucesso da ação. Cada aparelho é capaz de perfumar espaços de, aproximadamente, 35 m2. Em locais maiores a aromatização pode ser feita através do ar condicionado. Mas como saber qual a fragrância certa para cada tipo de negócio? “Acreditamos que cada loja tem uma necessidade específica e sempre colhemos informações do perfil da mesma e do seu público. Sugerimos para lojas de calçados as fragrâncias herbais ou mesmo os amadeirados. Mas há exceções, temos como exemplo uma loja de calçados infantis aromatizada com essência de tutti-frutti”, informa.
Fonte: Jornal Exclusivo -
Fonte: Jornal Exclusivo -
Emoção ajuda a vender
Lojas usam aromas para atrair e lembrar consumidores dos seus produtos.
Silvana Caminiti
A cada dia novas estratégias de marketing surgem no varejo com um só objetivo: atrair o consumidor e reforçar a imagem da empresa com o cliente. Uma das novidades nesse campo é o marketing olfativo, que conquista o cliente pelo cheiro, fazendo com que ele fixe o aroma à marca.
O conceito é simples: quando inspiramos um aroma, o cérebro ativa o sistema límbico, responsável pelas emoções. Sempre que sentir aquele perfume, o consumidor lembrará automaticamente daquele lugar ou produto.
"O consumidor é emocional e a idéia é exatamente aumentar o impulso emocional e diminuir a resistência racional a uma compra", explica o consultor de varejo do Sebrae, Luiz Carlos Martins.
Uma das empresas que oferecem perfumes para serem trabalhados como ferramentas do marketing olfativo é a Biomist Aromasys, que trabalha com 28 diferentes tipos de fragrâncias, com aromas de flores, plantas, frutas e até mesmo de perfumes famosos ou exclusivos, desenvolvido especialmente para esse ou aquele cliente.
O perfume é infundido no ambiente com um aparelho à base de pilhas, em intervalos regulares. Entre os mais de mil usuários do sistema em todo o País, está a Titele, loja de utilidades para o lar, no Largo do Machado, no Rio. Fátima Ferreira, sócia da loja, conta que há cinco meses passou a usar o Angel, um perfume suave, na empresa e que já é possível ver os resultados. "Os clientes quando entram logo notam o aroma e adoram, pois também ajuda a tornar o ambiente mais agradável", diz. .
Negócios de Sucessos
Silvana Caminiti
A cada dia novas estratégias de marketing surgem no varejo com um só objetivo: atrair o consumidor e reforçar a imagem da empresa com o cliente. Uma das novidades nesse campo é o marketing olfativo, que conquista o cliente pelo cheiro, fazendo com que ele fixe o aroma à marca.
O conceito é simples: quando inspiramos um aroma, o cérebro ativa o sistema límbico, responsável pelas emoções. Sempre que sentir aquele perfume, o consumidor lembrará automaticamente daquele lugar ou produto.
"O consumidor é emocional e a idéia é exatamente aumentar o impulso emocional e diminuir a resistência racional a uma compra", explica o consultor de varejo do Sebrae, Luiz Carlos Martins.
Uma das empresas que oferecem perfumes para serem trabalhados como ferramentas do marketing olfativo é a Biomist Aromasys, que trabalha com 28 diferentes tipos de fragrâncias, com aromas de flores, plantas, frutas e até mesmo de perfumes famosos ou exclusivos, desenvolvido especialmente para esse ou aquele cliente.
O perfume é infundido no ambiente com um aparelho à base de pilhas, em intervalos regulares. Entre os mais de mil usuários do sistema em todo o País, está a Titele, loja de utilidades para o lar, no Largo do Machado, no Rio. Fátima Ferreira, sócia da loja, conta que há cinco meses passou a usar o Angel, um perfume suave, na empresa e que já é possível ver os resultados. "Os clientes quando entram logo notam o aroma e adoram, pois também ajuda a tornar o ambiente mais agradável", diz. .
Negócios de Sucessos
Thiago Terra
Na busca pela integração cada vez maior entre clientes e produtos, as empresas estão buscando outras ferramentas para agregar valores às marcas e trabalhar com os cinco sentidos do ser humano na compra vem surtindo efeito direto no aumento das vendas, segundo especialistas e profissionais que desenvolvem este segmento. A utilização deste mecanismo sensorial em uma promoção, por exemplo, está relacionado ao posicionamento da marca perante o mercado de consumo.
Aproximar o consumidor ao universo do produto tem sido a tarefa deste segmento. Procurando agregar valor a marca, proporcionando ao consumidor uma experimentação sensorial diferente, Carlos Palomino, Diretor Executivo da Dabster, empresa de marketing promocional, explica como as empresas estão se preparando para o marketing sensorial com a teoria de que um estímulo sensorial sempre gera curiosidade, aguça a curiosidade dos consumidores de qualquer tipo de produto através de estímulos sensoriais. “Além de muito benéfico, aumenta o número de experimentações e também a abrangência que esse produto pode atingir”, diz Palomino em entrevista ao Mundo do Marketing.
Preparar uma empresa para trabalhar com o marketing sensorial é desenvolver estratégias e materiais nos pontos de venda para impactar o consumidor nas lojas. Em muitas companhias, chamar a atenção do consumidor e reter ele dentro da loja pode estar relacionado com alguma experiência sensorial com o produto ou marca. A Aktuell p.s.v.a, empresa que recentemente ganhou o primeiro lugar no prêmio Melhor Campanha junto ao Varejo do Globes Awards 2007, realizado pela AMPRO, desenvolveu uma série de ações inovadoras para apresentar os benefícios do produto Supradyn, da Bayer, e estimular a experimentação do produto.
Marketing de experiência
Um dos destaques é o SupraCine, que acontece até o dia 17 deste mês, é a apresentação de um vídeo em 4D para o público. O filme reproduz efeitos especiais, como de vento, cheiro de café, pingos de água, trabalhando assim, com os sentidos sensoriais dos consumidores, segundo Rodrigo Rivellino, Sócio da Aktuell. “Esta é uma experiência importante porque busca sensações residuais nos consumidores e com isso, cada vez mais o produto atinge o maior número de integração possível com o consumidor”, afirma ao site.
Tudo o que é feito para atingir os consumidores aguçando seus sentidos é através do marketing de experiência. A marca Villa Romana utiliza em todas as lojas de qualquer lugar do país, o mesmo layout, a mesma arquitetura para que haja um reconhecimento do público à marca através do sentido da visão. Para aprofundar mais neste segmento, a marca aderiu o marketing olfativo e conseguiu atingir um nicho de mercado que ninguém conhecia. “A audição, o tato e a visão já eram utilizados no mercado, então a BioMist trouxe esta idéia da Ásia e Europa”, diz Rubens Valentim, responsável pelo marketing da BioMist, empresa especializada neste segmento. Para o executivo, a tendência é que as empresas queiram que o consumidor tenha apenas um relacionamento com a marca e não com o produto.
O Marketing Olfativo é definido em três características principais que classificam sua importância em uma estratégia de marketing. A primeira é fazer com que o cliente passe mais tempo na loja, sem que ele perceba, através de uma fragrância agradável no local, que tenha a ver com o público da loja e a marca, e assim o consumidor dispõe de mais tempo para efetuar suas compras.
Experiência da marca
A segunda característica é a aplicação da Logo olfativo, que é uma fragrância exclusiva da marca, que é recolhida com um briefing que abrange cores, marca, layout, particularidades da marca, arquitetura, segmento, produtos, etc, desenvolvendo isto nas lojas através de aparelhos que aromatizam o ambiente automaticamente, sem gerar trabalho a mais para funcionários no ponto de venda. Quando a loja é grande pode ser utilizado o ar-condicionado central ou um aparelho maior ainda para lojas que não utilizam refrigerador de ar. “As lojas não podem ficar presas apenas a aromatização delas, nós fazemos também a aromatização de gôndolas, anúncios em revistas, malas diretas, brindes, catálogo. A marca vai para a casa do cliente”, diz Valentim, da BioMist.
Como novidades para este setor muitas tecnologias estão sendo desenvolvidas para gerar estímulo e agregar valor na experimentação dos produtos. Exemplos de inovações são as telas interativas, os filmes 3-D, aromas micro-encapsulados que liberam o mesmo odor do produto ou relacionado ao conceito dele. O diretor da Dabster ressalta a experiência sensorial que traz o consumidor ao conceito da empresa e os faz vivenciar e se aproximar ao que é a marca. “É como deixar um carimbo na mão do consumidor, o que é melhor do que um folheto ou uma abordagem”.
O retorno para quem utiliza o marketing sensorial vem dividido em três partes: faz o consumidor permanecer o maior tempo no ponto de venda, chama a atenção para uma ação e aumentar as vendas. Rubens Valentim, da BioMist, diz que este segmento aumenta as vendas diretamente e em feiras, as pessoas sentem o cheiro do produto de longe e vão até o stand.
Na busca pela integração cada vez maior entre clientes e produtos, as empresas estão buscando outras ferramentas para agregar valores às marcas e trabalhar com os cinco sentidos do ser humano na compra vem surtindo efeito direto no aumento das vendas, segundo especialistas e profissionais que desenvolvem este segmento. A utilização deste mecanismo sensorial em uma promoção, por exemplo, está relacionado ao posicionamento da marca perante o mercado de consumo.
Aproximar o consumidor ao universo do produto tem sido a tarefa deste segmento. Procurando agregar valor a marca, proporcionando ao consumidor uma experimentação sensorial diferente, Carlos Palomino, Diretor Executivo da Dabster, empresa de marketing promocional, explica como as empresas estão se preparando para o marketing sensorial com a teoria de que um estímulo sensorial sempre gera curiosidade, aguça a curiosidade dos consumidores de qualquer tipo de produto através de estímulos sensoriais. “Além de muito benéfico, aumenta o número de experimentações e também a abrangência que esse produto pode atingir”, diz Palomino em entrevista ao Mundo do Marketing.
Preparar uma empresa para trabalhar com o marketing sensorial é desenvolver estratégias e materiais nos pontos de venda para impactar o consumidor nas lojas. Em muitas companhias, chamar a atenção do consumidor e reter ele dentro da loja pode estar relacionado com alguma experiência sensorial com o produto ou marca. A Aktuell p.s.v.a, empresa que recentemente ganhou o primeiro lugar no prêmio Melhor Campanha junto ao Varejo do Globes Awards 2007, realizado pela AMPRO, desenvolveu uma série de ações inovadoras para apresentar os benefícios do produto Supradyn, da Bayer, e estimular a experimentação do produto.
Marketing de experiência
Um dos destaques é o SupraCine, que acontece até o dia 17 deste mês, é a apresentação de um vídeo em 4D para o público. O filme reproduz efeitos especiais, como de vento, cheiro de café, pingos de água, trabalhando assim, com os sentidos sensoriais dos consumidores, segundo Rodrigo Rivellino, Sócio da Aktuell. “Esta é uma experiência importante porque busca sensações residuais nos consumidores e com isso, cada vez mais o produto atinge o maior número de integração possível com o consumidor”, afirma ao site.
Tudo o que é feito para atingir os consumidores aguçando seus sentidos é através do marketing de experiência. A marca Villa Romana utiliza em todas as lojas de qualquer lugar do país, o mesmo layout, a mesma arquitetura para que haja um reconhecimento do público à marca através do sentido da visão. Para aprofundar mais neste segmento, a marca aderiu o marketing olfativo e conseguiu atingir um nicho de mercado que ninguém conhecia. “A audição, o tato e a visão já eram utilizados no mercado, então a BioMist trouxe esta idéia da Ásia e Europa”, diz Rubens Valentim, responsável pelo marketing da BioMist, empresa especializada neste segmento. Para o executivo, a tendência é que as empresas queiram que o consumidor tenha apenas um relacionamento com a marca e não com o produto.
O Marketing Olfativo é definido em três características principais que classificam sua importância em uma estratégia de marketing. A primeira é fazer com que o cliente passe mais tempo na loja, sem que ele perceba, através de uma fragrância agradável no local, que tenha a ver com o público da loja e a marca, e assim o consumidor dispõe de mais tempo para efetuar suas compras.
Experiência da marca
A segunda característica é a aplicação da Logo olfativo, que é uma fragrância exclusiva da marca, que é recolhida com um briefing que abrange cores, marca, layout, particularidades da marca, arquitetura, segmento, produtos, etc, desenvolvendo isto nas lojas através de aparelhos que aromatizam o ambiente automaticamente, sem gerar trabalho a mais para funcionários no ponto de venda. Quando a loja é grande pode ser utilizado o ar-condicionado central ou um aparelho maior ainda para lojas que não utilizam refrigerador de ar. “As lojas não podem ficar presas apenas a aromatização delas, nós fazemos também a aromatização de gôndolas, anúncios em revistas, malas diretas, brindes, catálogo. A marca vai para a casa do cliente”, diz Valentim, da BioMist.
Como novidades para este setor muitas tecnologias estão sendo desenvolvidas para gerar estímulo e agregar valor na experimentação dos produtos. Exemplos de inovações são as telas interativas, os filmes 3-D, aromas micro-encapsulados que liberam o mesmo odor do produto ou relacionado ao conceito dele. O diretor da Dabster ressalta a experiência sensorial que traz o consumidor ao conceito da empresa e os faz vivenciar e se aproximar ao que é a marca. “É como deixar um carimbo na mão do consumidor, o que é melhor do que um folheto ou uma abordagem”.
O retorno para quem utiliza o marketing sensorial vem dividido em três partes: faz o consumidor permanecer o maior tempo no ponto de venda, chama a atenção para uma ação e aumentar as vendas. Rubens Valentim, da BioMist, diz que este segmento aumenta as vendas diretamente e em feiras, as pessoas sentem o cheiro do produto de longe e vão até o stand.
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